30 July 2006
Final Line Check (FLC)
Apologies for not updating my blog recently. I have written some info, and have photos ready, but have been a bit busy with work recently.
I had my Final Line Check (FLC) on Friday. The flight was with the Airbus Chief Training Captain (Confusingly also known as 'CTC'). We went from Manchester to Mahon (Minorca) nice and early in the morning and back by about lunchtime.
It was an uneventful flight but wasn't my best flight to date. However, I obviously managed to demonstrate enough safe and consistent flying to be signed-off to fly on the line.
I now have a few days off, before I start flying back in Newcastle with normal Captains. However, my roster has me flying with Training Captains for the next 4 flights in any case! Apparently this is just luck of the draw given 2 of the 7 Captains at Newcastle are Training Captains. It does however give me a nice gentle introduction to normal line flying. I'll keep you updated....