04 August 2006
During the flight down to Tenerife, I was reading through some of the documentation given to us concerning MyTravel's attempt to improve it's punctuality. On Time Performance (OTP) is the lifeblood of a charter airline as it is a commonly used metric to distinguish between the competitors.
A few years ago, MyTravel apparently had terrible OTP, however, a special working group was set-up to attach greater focus on this part of the airline operation. The result of this was that MyTravel were awarded the Most Improved Charter Airline for the summer 06 season.
Full stats for MyTravel can be found at the following URL: http://flightontime.info/charter/airlines/myt.html
(All the data is collected and published by the CAA).
Given the focus on OTP, this clearly has a knock-on effect on how the flight deck schedules and performs tasks to ensure that we meet and often exceed the required timings to ensure good OTP. However, the overriding concern is always safety, and nothing is unduly rushed to meet the deadlines!