11 August 2006

New Security Measures

Things were very different when I reported for work today. Reading on the company intranet it was clear that certain things weren't allowed, so the calculator, PDA, sharp pencils, any liquids etc.. were all removed prior to turning up! However, even that wasn't enough - we weren't allowed to even take our flight bags with us. Everything that was allowed had to be in a nice see-through plastic bag. It makes you wonder what I need all the stuff for!

Through security with large queues for the passengers, but everyone seemed fairly relaxed... a full check of my ID, shoes removed and a body search later we were deemed safe to go to the plane. From there on, there were no more dramas, on the inbound flight the passengers were allowed to bring back all the usual items with them in the cabin - much to the amusement of the cabin crew who were severely restricted in what they could have (no deodorant, hairspray, perfume etc...).

Anyway, hopefully it will all calm down soon enough....